What physicians look for in a position continues to evolve, as physician recruitment departments navigate increasing healthcare worker shortages.

According to a recent survey that Hayes Locums sponsored in partnership with the Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment (AAPPR), more than 30% of physicians see themselves leaving their current organization in the next three years. 

To better understand these trends, the survey took a closer look at medical recruitment departments at mid-sized organizations (which the survey defines as 300-999 providers) where members reported lower job satisfaction, work/life balance, and compensation than small and large organizations––and where those same members reported that if they do leave, they plan to leave the healthcare profession altogether.

The resulting insights can now be found in The Hallmarks of a Successful Recruitment Department Survey Report. This is the first time AAPPR has examined this topic, so the findings are still preliminary and will be further explored over the coming months and years.

Here are some of the initial findings from the report: 

  • Reporting Structure: who the medical recruitment team reports to seems to impact their success. 
  • Department Size: Smaller departments (<300 providers) have more realistic expectations, and they tend to have the resources they need to succeed. 
  • Autonomy: More than half of the smaller departments have considerable or full autonomy to vary physician incentives, while larger departments tend to need outside approval. 

If you want to learn more, you can download AAPPR’s Hallmarks of a Successful Recruitment Department Survey Report.